Greg Cavouras


Greg Cavouras practises in the areas of administrative law and professional regulation.

He has experience in all aspects of professional regulation, including investigations and discipline, illegal practice, registration, development of professional standards, staff and committee member training, and governance.  His approach is to be curious, practical, and fair.

Greg returned to private practice in 2020 after spending the previous eight years at senior in-house positions with two regulatory bodies.  As a complement to his in-house experience, Greg has earned the designation of “Certified In-House Counsel – Canada” from the Canadian Bar Association.

While Greg’s main area of practice is professional regulation, he has experience with many other administrative regimes, and in civil litigation.  Greg has appeared before a wide range of administrative tribunals, all levels of court in British Columbia, and the Supreme Court of Canada.


  • Business Leadership Program for In-House Counsel, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, 2018
  • J.D. (with distinction), University of Saskatchewan, 2010

Bar Admissions

  • British Columbia, 2011
  • Yukon Territory, 2020

Areas of Practise

  • Canadian Bar Association

Sandhu v. British Columbia (Police Complaint Commissioner), 2021 BCSC 2424, Successfully represented a police officer in a judicial review proceeding of an underlying discipline matter

Krekic v. College of Massage Therapists of BC, 2021 BCSC 959, Successfully opposed application for a stay of a disciplinary proceeding; Acted as counsel for the college in the subsequent disciplinary proceeding

Superintendent of Real Estate v. Real Estate Council of British Columbia, FST-RSA-20-A002(a), Acted for the Real Estate Council of British Columbia in the Superintendent’s application to withdraw an appeal to the Financial Services Tribunal

College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia v. Shapoval, 2014 BCSC 505, Obtained a permanent injunction and an order of contempt against an individual in a matter of illegal practice

Zucchiatti v. The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia, 2013 BCSC 1736, Obtained dismissal of petition for judicial review on the basis that the petition was moot

“Able, or just willing? A discussion of the evolving role of volunteers in professional regulation”, Annual Conference of the Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation (CNAR), November 12, 2020.

“A view from the balcony: the New Deal in professional regulation”, Annual Conference of the Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation (CNAR), October 30, 2019.

“Your reputation precedes you – the requirement for good character and reputation”, Annual Educational Conference of the Council on Licensure, Enforcement & Regulation (CLEAR), September 17, 2016.

Greg Cavouras

E: [email protected]
T: 604-646-1013

Pippa Maessen
E: [email protected]
T: 604-646-1004

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